Mrs. Nicholl’s class was visited by an assistance dog, NASA, and took turns dressing him and brushing him. NASA helps encourage students with their expressive and receptive language, fine and gross motor control, socialization, self-help skills and much more! This learning opportunity is made possible through Fairview’s partnership with the Achievement Center.
Senior ELA students wrote their last lecture of high school based on Randy Pausch's motivational memoir, The Last Lecture. Students reflected on their childhood, brick walls, advice to underclassmen, and future plans. Pictured are students holding up their final copies of the essay.
The Algebra 2 classes are graphing at the board as the prepare for their Final Exam.
Today, 5th grade Lifetime Health and Fitness went snowshoeing with Mrs. Beachly!
Honors Geometry working hard on the last day of the quarter before final exams.
The AP Seminar classes went to Gannon University to meet with Seminar students from other schools. They discussed the recently released stimulus materials for Performance Task 2. They all did a wonderful job analyzing the sources, finding connections between them, and collaborating with people they just met. Now they're onto the next step - developing independent research questions inspired by the stimulus sources!
The students in Mr. Parmeter's Algebra 1 class are getting ready for the upcoming Keystone Test as well as their Final Exams later this week. The students have been studying hard practicing both the math content as well as test taking skills needed to be successful on both tests. Chapter reviews as well as classroom diagnostic tests help students measure what they know and what they don't know, which helps individualize instruction and their practice. Individualized instruction helps strengthen the students knowledge of the material being taught in class, and better prepares them for the upcoming tests and life after Algebra 1.
Students create visual props to make short World War II paper slide videos. Besides learning about a specific aspect of the war in a kinesthetic-tactual manner, students honed skills during the process including teamwork, organization of a storyboard, public speaking, and use of technology.
Fairview School Foundation's FHS December student of the month. These students were recognized for our fourth pillar of ROAR, which is Resilience. Congratulations!
While reading the book, The Last Lecture, senior English students practiced Randy Pausch's ideas of teamwork and communication through a series of activities.
Mr. Barbour was a guest presenter in the Law Course this week. He focused on the Supreme Court and landmark court cases throughout the years.
FHS students assisted Fairview Community Council with packing 110 holiday food baskets before leaving for winter break. Thank you to Dr. Katie and all of the generous businesses and community members who donated to make this project possible.
Students will be designing Automata Toys for their final project in Introduction to Engineering Design when they get back from winter break. In order to figure out what 3D printed animal they were assigned, students when through a white elephant gift exchange to find out what animal they got. Good Luck to them all!
Defense Attorney Breyton Graves spoke to Mrs. Nies's Law Class this week on the topics of defense strategy, common crimes and the trial process.
Mrs. Nies's and Mrs. McManus's first period seniors worked together to organize and prepare Christmas food baskets at the Fairview Township building on Thursday.
Music students in the 7th & 8th Grade Band and FMS Choir performed their Winter Concert, "Celebrate December" last evening. The concert featured songs that celebrate Diwali, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas and Winter. Soloists for the evening included Ardra Abi, Jenna Bull and Arianna Herrera.
Sophomore ELA classes created their Lord of the Flies symbolism masks. Students were encouraged to think outside the box and create symbols for the novel through colors, nature, and even movie references. Students also wrote an accompanying essay to explain the symbolism on their masks and how each aspect connects to the novel.
This tree goes WAAAAYYYYYY back to when Carl Servey was the Chemistry teacher. It may even have been in the classroom when he taught HS in what is now FMS.
The ornaments may have been different over the years, but the sentiment is still the same.
Happy Holidays from the Chemistry department!!
On December 14, members of Fairview's Speech & Debate took FIRST PLACE at the 50th annual North Catholic Invitational. Two Tigers earned their third PHSSL bids, both in Student Congress, and therefore have already qualified for the state championships in Bloomsburg next March. What a great day for the team! For more information on individual members, see Dr. Beall's newsletter.
Last week in health and gym, 5th grade was working on their anti tobacco posters. In gym, 5th, 6th, and 7th played gator ball and hand ball this week. It is an awesome game that the kids seem to enjoy.