FES students had the chance to have some out-of-school fun at Lakers and Lakettes! What a great way to work on their coordination, balance, and strength, and to have a little fun along the way.

As 3rd grade wrapped up a Science unit on forces, motion, and simple machines, students had the opportunity to build a catapult. Students worked to fine-tune their design to make a day for some high marshmallow flying fun!

On March 23-25 Annika Biggs attended the PMEA Region II Band competition where she finished 2nd overall to earn her placement in States. She is one of 24 students selected from the Region II band that will participate in the PMEA All Sate festival to be held in the Poconos on April 19 - 22nd.

Congratulations to Adam Chiocco for being named the March C.L.A.S.S Act Award winner. We are extremely proud of Adam and his accomplishment.

Region 10 PJAS Competition Sat Mar 18, 2023.
Students presented their independent research findings to judge panels.
Eight high school participants all were awarded First Place Awards.
The first place award makes them eligible to present as the state competition at PSU University Park in May.
11th and 12th graders also interviewed for the Pennsylvania Science Talent Search. This will broadcast their names and interest in science to be included in scholarships and college admissions.
(Not pictured, but participated remotely, Snigdha G.)

Brothers, Gianni and Donnie Mastrostefano visited the School Board meeting to discuss the upcoming Walk for Autism and the importance of supporting Team Fairview. See the attached link for more details.

Thanks to the money Fairview Middle School raised during the Pie-A-Teacher event, we were able to sponsor 3 dogs and 4 cats at the Anna Shelter. These animals' adoption fees are now paid for making them free to any approved loving home. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Let's get these deserving furbabies a forever home!

Grab your "saco de dormir" and set up your "tienda de campaña"! Señor Lowe's Honor Spanish 3 have been going on their camping trip all week learning about narrating stories in the past tense. Each day, among set up tents and pine trees, the students analyze a Hispanic legend and folk song. Here, the students are learning about La Dama en Blanco from Argentina by ordering the story, learning about the El Pin Pon nursery song (which is a reference that can be found in the Spanish dubbing of Shrek), and fishing for vocabulary. The students will conclude the unit by writing their own scary stories in Spanish. Ten cuidado, Horacio Quiroga!

The Chess and Challenge 24 Exploratory has just finished up, and a special shout out to everyone who participated. Special congratulations to the grand winner, 6th grader Aaditya Girish. The 5th grade winner was Colten Andrus, Austin Jewell claimed the trophy for 7th grade, and for 8th grade Ayush Bharath took home first. Looking forward to seeing everyone next year and hopefully some new faces too!

Our wonderful SRO, Officer Stevick, has been talking to some of our younger student about the proper and safe way to cross the street. As you can see, he has quite the captive audience!

On Tuesday, it was World Down Syndrome Day! In honor of our very special students, we all wore crazy socks! We love you Miss Lena!

Students in Mrs. Jones’ Honors Geometry class investigated the strength of triangles in architecture by building structures out of toothpicks and gummy bears that would hold a textbook.

ECTS February Student of the Month

On Wednesday, March 8, honors environmental students presented to their peers and guests about environmental issues they would like to address. Some of the topics included were littering, food waste, light pollution, recycling, and invasive species. Soon they will begin the next stage of their project as each class moves forward with one topic!

It was a great day at the KINEX competition! There were schools from across Erie Erie and Crawford County. It was amazing to watch the students come together and work as a team.

Fairview Elementary do not need any luck! We are as lucky as can be with the wonderful student we have here! Our students are definitely the cutest leprechaun's around...but we maybe a little biased!

First grade bringing a little sunshine and smiles to the Art room hallway!

FHS Photo Club visited Rob Frank at RFrank Media. We discussed photography techniques, experimented with lighting in his studio, and talked about what it means to own your own business. Rob then connected us with a private tour at the Warner Theater where students got to see some behind the scenes areas and practice their photo techniques. Thanks to Rob and Ryan at the Warner for a fantastic experience!

9th grade Wellness classes participated in life saving CPR classes last week.

Fairview Forensics Team
4th in the state - medium schools
9th in the - state overall out of 78 schools!